😱😳Can you bring kids in the salon?

😱😳Can you bring kids in the salon? In my 15yrs as a lash tech I’ve only ever had ONE issue with kids in the salon, granted that was one lady who brought all 5 of her kids aged 5months to 7yrs so it’s abit of a extreme case 😅 and the worst I got was…

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FAQ about LED Eyelash Extensions

How Long Do LED Extensions Last? LED extensions typically last 1.5months, depending on your natural lash condition and how well you care for them. This mainly depends on your growth cycle. Some ladies with extremely slow growth cycles maybe able to get up to 2months out of a refill. How Long Should Clients Wait Between…

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You ARE Beyoncé- Imposter Syndrome

A simple Google reveals the following: NOUN imposter syndrome (noun) 1. the persistent inability to believe that one’s success is deserved or has been legitimately achieved as a result of one’s own efforts or skills. “people suffering from impostor syndrome may be at increased risk of anxiety     Scrolling through my Facebook and Instagram…

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#LashWithLove Movement

The #LashWithLove Movement Hello my name is Nina and I have anxiety (crowd mumbles “Hello Nina”) and while lashing is my passion and I’m known for helping to teach the next generation of Australian lash artists how to get by in this turbulent and confusing world of volumetric calculations and advanced layering styling methods. Anxiety…

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Elegance is timeless: Wedding Lashes On Point

It’s that time of year again. Wedding bells are ringing and brides are stressing! It’s time to bang out those bridal sets for your clientele. Here are a few tips and tricks to get through the bridal season with only 100% happy brides: 1. Patch Test: If there was ever a time to patch test;…

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You have been asking… we have been listening 2019 is going to be bigger and better for our Russian Volume Academy In Lash Excellence! We have set up a PAYMENT PLAN system for those wishing to join us next year for the Beginner (no experience necessary) and the Advanced (at least 6 months experience) Academy…

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Confessions of a Lash Artist: Its all a Matter of Public Opinion.

At the time of writing this article the Lashes On Point Salon in Melbourne Australia currently boasts 166 five star reviews on Facebook. Sure, all the pictures on social media are lovely, the work is clean and precise, the captions are educational or witty etc. But that’s not why people choose us. Our biggest selling…

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